About Skilltype

What is Skilltype?
Skilltype is a library software company that uses data to create modern talent management workflows. It is designed to help libraries provide personalized training to their employees, identify skill gaps, and make data-informed decisions on whether to recruit, re-skill, or share expertise. Libraries across six countries use Skilltype to improve their staff's professional development and continuing education opportunities. It was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Who can use Skilltype?
Overall, Skilltype helps libraries to manage talent and resources more effectively so they can better serve their communities. Libraries use Skilltype to identify skill gaps within their organization and provide personalized training to their employees.
Library leaders use Skilltype to make data-informed decisions about recruiting, re-skilling, sharing expertise within their organization, or succession planning.
Library managers and supervisors use Skilltype insights to develop staff, distribute work based on skills and interests, find hidden talent, and to recommend training
Library employees and information professionals use Skilltype to manage their careers and training. A Skilltype subscription includes access to a global database of more than 5,000 professional development and continuing education resources from library organizations, vendors and conferences. See more on Skilltype.com.
Training Providers and Vendors
Skilltype helps training providers to unlock a global audience, improve distribution of your content and the quality of your analytics at the same time. Training content indexed through Skilltype is recommended to relevant users based on the skills, product experience and interests articulated by those users, based on Skilltype’s unique controlled vocabulary of library-specific competencies and a proprietary recommendation engine. See more on Skilltype.com.
Consortia and Networks
Within a consortium or network, Skilltype enables expertise sharing across libraries. Member libraries are able to identify experts, surface shared or unique training needs, and facilitate collaboration to close skill gaps through the consortium.
See more on Skilltype.com to contact Sales or inquire about consortium packages.
Museums, non-profit organizations, and corporations
Organizations of any kind can use Skilltype to identify and develop their employees' skills, create personalized training plans, and make data-informed decisions about recruiting and retention.
How many libraries use Skilltype? Who are your current customers?
Currently, over 150 libraries use Skilltype. Skilltype’s partnerships include (but aren’t limited to) CAVAL, LOUIS, and PALCI. If needed, we are happy to provide a list. Skilltype.com and the Skilltype blog provide examples of customers using the platform to manage talent and resources.