Glossary of Skilltype Terms
Terms you'll see across Skilltype include:
Affiliate: Skilltype users who are connected to an organization.
Followers: Users on the Skilltype platform who are interested in your organization yet are not current members. Followers of your organization and have opted to share skill data with your organization. Followers may include former employee alumni, information school students who might be interested in working with you in the future, or information professionals who may share similar priorities or key skills.
Global: The Global column shows a percentage value of the total number of users with this skill across all the users of the Skilltype platform. This percentage provides insight into how rare a skill might be. (e.g.,10% of global users on the platform are skilled in Academic and Scholarly Writing; 10% of global users on the platform have experience with Dropbox)
Job Roles: Skilltype’s controlled vocabulary contains Job Role tags that represent broad areas of work performed in library organizations, such as Cataloging and Metadata, Circulation, or Archives and Special Collections. Each user on the platform is asked to identify a Job Role as their primary sphere of activity when onboarding to Skilltype. While each job role has specific skills, interests, and products associated with it, staff working in different organizations or with differing classifications may share the same Job Role (Cataloging and Metadata) while having unique job titles in their staff directory (Senior Metadata Analyst for Open Scholarship).
Organization Members: The staff and team of an Organization; Owners, Administrators, or Team Managers are members too.
Organization Administrators: Often senior leaders in your organization; Administrators for your organization’s Skilltype account who are able to modify the Organization’s profile, Invite members, View organization-wide Insights and Talent Audit and create Teams
Organization Owner: The Owner is the Organization’s primary Organization Administrator; and the only one who can add, edit, or delete an organization’s account settings or designate other Organization Administrators. Owners can invite other Administrators and Members individually or in bulk via email or a .csv file
Priorities: Applied within an individual user’s profile, a priority relates to overarching themes or horizon issues within the domain of libraries and information science that matter to an individual’s career.
Privacy Check: Part of a user's Settings (accessible from the 3 dots menu at the upper right corner of Skilltype) which makes a user's connections visible, consistent with Skilltype's Privacy Policy.
Organization Profile: Each organization on the Skilltype platform completes a needs assessment resulting in a Profile page. Organization Profiles describe the key capabilities, experience, and potential impact on the community.
User Profile: Each user on the Skilltype platform completes a personal assessment which results in a Profile page. Profiles describe an individual’s capabilities, experience and potential contributions. A profile consists of tags (skills, product knowledge, interests and priorities).
Strategic Directions: Applied on Organization's profile, Strategic directions are the high-level objectives or initiatives that need to be achieved for an organization to progress towards its vision and fulfill its goals. These are often horizon issues within the domain of libraries and information science that matter to an organization’s strategy and outcomes. Skilltype’s Strategic Directions were developed by analyzing the strategic plans of real public and academic libraries. organizational strategic directives and are
Tags: Tags are key components of Skilltype’s unique controlled vocabulary of library specific terms.
Skills: competencies applied within the workplace are categorized as Skills within Skilltype’s controlled vocabulary
Products: Software, platforms or standards utilized by library professionals within Skilltype’s controlled vocabulary.
Interests: Skills or products that a user has not yet achieved full competency and wishes to know more about
Team: Any group of people created by a library Organization, such as branches, departments, groups, committees, or other organizational units.
Team Manager: A supervisor or leader that is responsible for a Team. Organization Administrators can create Teams and designate Team Managers. Team Managers are able to add members to a Team, modify a Team’s description, and view Team insights such as Talent Audit, Activity and team skills data. Team Managers can create and share Training Lists with a Team.
Training List: a customized training plan which can be created by any user on the Skilltype platform. . learning plan for each team by recommending items in a sequence to encourage skill development based on team or individual needs.
Team Training List: a customized training plan which has been created by a Team Manager and shared with a Team to encourage skill development based on team or organization needs.
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