Training Lists
What can I do with a Skilltype Training Lists?

All Skilltype users can Save training content to Training List to design a personalized training journey, such as:
Create a Training List to refresh your skills for an upcoming project, service or collection coming up.
Save and curate training about the learning goals you set in your last review meeting, add a target date to the list title for some self encouragement.
Organize your learning in one place, My Learning, including your personal Training and any Training Lists shared with Teams that you belong to (Shared with Me).
Download a CSV file of your learning activity from My Learning > Completed to track and celebrate your own progress.
What can Teams do with Training Lists?

Team Managers can curate Training Lists align a team’s development with team or organization goals:
Create customized learning plan for each team by recommending items in a sequence to encourage skill development based on team or individual needs.
Leaders of library committees can create and share a Training List for any purpose such as training associated with an upcoming system upgrade or service improvement project.
A library can create a Team for all new hires, and any manager of the Team can share a Training List of core learning resources that will be available any time new staff join the library.
Team Managers can view the team’s progress through each team’s Learning Activity tab.
Team Members will receive an email and a Skilltype notification to quickly access shared Training Lists.
Team Managers can Share a personal Training List with a Team, see details below
Create a Skilltype Training List

From My Learning, Create a New List
Give your List a Name and Description, then Create List. Your list is ready to be populated with training.
Select and Save Skilltype training resources to your List to build your personalized learning plan
View your List from My Learning > My Lists
View your Training Lists and Saved Bookmarks from My Learning
You can access your saved Bookmarks from My Learning > Bookmarks
You can take action on any items saved as Bookmarks by using the 3 dots menu to the right of each item.
Lists that you have created are accessible from My Learning > Lists
Lists shared with you by a Team Manager are available from My Learning > Shared with Me
Trainings you’ve utilized in the past are available from My Learning > Completed or Viewed
You can download a record of your training activity from My Learning > Completed
Curate a Skilltype Training List
To personalize your Training List:
View your List from My Learning > My Lists
Click on the title of any List to view the details
Select the 3 dots menu to the right of each item on your list to to Move items to top or bottom / up or down, and Remove items to curate your learning journey like a music List.
Select the 3 dots menu in the upper right corner of each List’s details to change your Training Lists's title or description.

How can I Save Skilltype Trainings for later?
You can save any Skilltype training resource to My Learning > Bookmarks.
Click on the 3 dots menu to the right of any training item
Choose Save
Click on the first option called “Bookmarks” to quickly save the item for later
Team Managers: Share a Training List with a Team to encourage team development
View your List from My Learning > My Lists
Click on the title of any Training List to view the details
Select the 3 dots in the upper right corner of each List’s details to Share the List
Choose a Team to share your List with and click Share List
The Team List will be available to Team Members from My Learning > Shared with Me.
Team Members will receive an email message with the Training List link as well as a Skill Type notification.
As items are added to a Training List, Team Members will receive Skilltype notifications to view new additions.